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Get Started

Engage with an Open Source community built across several languages, a decade of experience, and thousands of users.

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Wayfair Open Source Program
Getting Started Checklist

Create a GitHub Account

Here is the first thing you need to do. Start contributing with an account on our preferred code platform.
Here is the first thing you need to do. Start contributing with an account on our preferred code platform.

Read Our Docs

Thing number two you should do. Learn the ins and outs of the Wayfair open source world in our docs.
Thing number two you should do. Learn the ins and outs of the Wayfair open source world in our docs.

Find a Project

Use GitHub Collections to explore and choose a project you care about.
Use GitHub Collections to explore and choose a project you care about.

Get Involved

Check out Wayfair's OSS repositories, and our "contribs" organization. Post issues and PR's.
Check out Wayfair's OSS repositories, and our "contribs" organization. Post issues and PR's.

Additional Resources

Helping you along your own OSS journey

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